We are trying find out if there are links between chemicals that were used in/present during the Gulf War and Parkinson’s disease. We are especially interested in studying GW Veterans who worked with or use large amounts of pesticides during the Gulf War.  We are also interested in enrolling GW Veterans who were interviewed for the Department of Defense's Pesticide Environmental Exposure Report.


What will happen if I take part in the study?

Phone Screen: We will describe the study to you and ask you a series of questions to determine if you are eligible for the study. This will take about 15-20 minutes over the phone.

If you are eligible, and you chose to participate in the study, the following things will happen:

Consent: You will sign a consent sent form remotely by DocuSign.

Self-report questionniares: You to fill out some questionnaires over the internet about your health, your medical history, what medications you are currently taking, and your experiences during the Gulf War. 

You can participate Remotely (over Zoom).  We will give you a cognitive test, a smell test (we will send you a booklet of scents), and you may participate in a remote neurological exam.

How long will I be in the study?

REMOTE study participation will last approximately 4 hours:

Phone Screen:


Medical history/medication interview:

Self-report questionnaires:

Remote cognitive and smell tests:

Neuro exam:

20 minutes

30 minutes

30 minutes

1.5 hours

30 minutes

30 minutes


Will I be compensated?

You will receive $50 for for participating in the REMOTE study procedures.

Payment will occur through VA electronic fund transfer (EFT).

You must provide your social security number to receive study funds.

How many people will take part in this study?

Approximately 250 Gulf War Veterans will take part.

Is my participation confidential?

Yes. All research staff are trained to maintain data in a secure manner and will not discuss study participants outside the research team. Research data is stored in locked file cabinets, on password-protected computers, and secure servers behind VA and/or UCSF firewalls.Study forms are labeled with unique personal identification numbers (PIDNs) rather than personally identifying information whenever possible, and the code linking names with PIDNs are stored separately and securely. If it is necessary to carry personally identifying information off-site (e.g., name and address for off-site assessment), the minimum amount of information necessary will be carried in a locked device (e.g., briefcase) and the information will be returned to study site as soon as possible and filed securely.

What are my rights if I take part in the study?

Taking part in this study is completely your choice.

You may choose to participate in the study or not to participate in the study. If you decide to participate in the study, you may leave the study at any time, for any reason.

Who is doing this study?

The Principal Investigator is Linda Chao, Ph.D., a Research Career Scientist at the San Francisco VA Health Care Center and a Professor of Radiology and Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco.

The study is funded by a grant from the VA Office of Research and Development.